New Life Wood

Get in touch

T: 07904 150180

New Life Wood
South Essex Community Wood Recycling
Wat Tyler Park,
Pitsea Hall Lane,
SS16 4UH

Monday – Friday: 9AM – 4.30PM
Saturday: 9AM – 12.30PM

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As a registered charity, all of our profits will be re-invested back into the project. All donations and financial gifts received will mean that we will be able to offer more work placement opportunities, train more volunteers, collect more waste wood, reduce landfill further and positively change and restore more lives in the local community. Your support and donations really will make a difference.

To make a donation please send a cheque payable to: New Life Wood’ and post to: 233 Station Road, Leigh on Sea, Essex, SS9 3BP. You can also donate by electronic transfer (BACS) – please email: and our New Life Wood account details will be forwarded to you.